Silk-Screen Printing

Silk-screen printing is the perfect option to reproduce any kind of design with bright colors. It can be applied directly on any flat surface: leather, textile, paper, etc. For this technique, our company uses completely automated machines that enable us to quickly and efficiently manufacture at a competitive price.

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Silk-Screen Printing


Silk-screen printing is a technique capable of reproducing your designs on any product. It accurately transfers the details and colors of your brand, thus boosting the visibility of your business.

In order to carry out this printing process, our company uses completely automated machines which result in a quicker service and a competitive price.

To apply this technique, inks of different colors are directly used on the articles that want to be silk-screen printed.

Moreover, one of its advantages is the amount of materials that it is compatible with: fabric, PVC, spandex, microfiber, leather, polyester

Silk-screen-printed footwear ornaments

Share with us your project's details and our technical team will carefully listen to your suggestions while presenting the most convenient options.

Our specialists will ensure incredible results when using our silk-screen printing technique on your accessories. After all, we always strive to meet our client's expectations.

At Britigraf, we enjoy our work, which allows us to:

  • Quickly react to very urgent orders
  • Be in the right mindset to create the most innovative designs requested by our clients
  • Create customized and completely confidential products, always respecting the highest quality standards. These articles are 100% made in Spain and manufactured by the most advanced techniques and technology
Silk-Screen Printing
Silk-Screen Printing

Ornament catalog for footwear and labels

If you take a look at our catalog, you will find the wide range of footwear and label ornaments that we manufacture by the most varied and innovative techniques.

Do not hesitate to send us all the questions that you need answered or ask about the design that you wish to see come true.

Our staff will kindly inform you about our services, prices, qualities, materials…

If you wish to contact us, please send an email to or fill the form you can find on the website.

You can also call us at (+34) 965 683 882.

We are thrilled to welcome you at our modern facilities in ELCHE PARQUE EMPRESARIAL – Calle Alberto Sols, 18 – 03203 Elche (Alicante) España.

Legal warning: The products displayed on our website are not for sale. They belong to their respective owners.