
We use two different transfer techniques:
- Silk-screen printing transfer: this is the most common technique, and can be used for transfers with up to 5 colors.
- Digital printing transfer: used to reproduce any picture in high definition.
We can also do direct large format digital prints on various materials. Maximum length: 1.6m, maximum depth: 4mm.

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Add transfers to the footwear ornaments of your next collection 

If you are looking for an impressive variety of colors and designs in different materials, transfers are the best option for you. We offer you a very modern and highly requested product. If you wish to stand out in the textiles or footwear sector, innovate your products by including transfers on footwear ornaments or clothing decoration.

At Britigraf, we only work with materials of the highest quality to guarantee the maximum duration of our products. Transfers are meant to decorate any part of the shoe or clothing mainly made of leather or synthetic fabric. Another article where transfer is also used  with a great reception within our clients are transfer labels for clothing or footwear. Our transfer production is split in two completely different technologies: digital and silk-screen printing.

Digital Transfer

Thanks to our digital print machines, we reproduce images of great definition by means of digital transfers of excellent quality. With the digital process we can print big formats of high resolution.

At Britigraf, we do digital print transfers directly on materials of big sizes (up to 1,6 meters long and 4 millimeters deep). Digital print transfer is basically used for standard or UV printing on whole leather pieces or sequentially printed materials.

Silk-screen print transfer

At Britigraf, we also transfer with flat inks by an efficient silk-screen print process. It is perfect for insoles and cut pieces. Silk-screen print transfer is highly requested for leather as well as for synthetic materials. Now you have the chance to embellish your fashion items by giving them an innovative touch to your customer’s liking.

Trust Britigraf

At Britigraf, we rely on our excellent team and their extensive experience and professionalism to provide innovative and successful designs for your footwear ornaments. Our experts will supervise the combination of colors, textures, sizes, and shapes to create a satisfying product. You can count on our long experience of more than 40 years where we have managed to merge tradition and innovation. 

To do so, we also have at our disposal the most advanced machinery on the market which allows us to present a high-quality and 100% made in Spain product. You are invited to visit our facilities and check for yourself: 

✔ Our teamwork system 

✔ The quality of our materials 

✔ Our excellent organization which guarantees deadlines


Contact us to request footwear ornaments with transfers

If you are interested in getting to know our footwear ornaments with transfers, contact us and we will provide all the information that you need. 

  +34 965 683 882
 C/ Alberto Sols, 18 03203 Elche (Alicante) España

Legal warning: The products displayed on our website are not for sale. They belong to their respective owners.