Legal Advice
In order to abide by the Spanish artículo 10 de la Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE), we inform our users about our data:
Legal Name: Tecno Adornos del sureste, S.L.
Business Name: Britigraf
Head office: Elche Parque Industrial. C/ Alberto Sols, 18. Aptdo. 1752. 03203 ELCHE (Alicante)
CIF / NIF: B-53076576
Telephone: 965 683 882
Record data: Registro Mercantil de Alicante. Tomo: 2706 General, Folio: 168, Hoja nº A-79.556, Inscripción 1ª, 03-11-2003
Web page:
The provider, liable for the website, places at the users’ disposal the current document to abide by the Spanish Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE), as well as to inform all the users about the conditions of use of the website.
Everyone who accesses this website is considered a user and accepts to keep in mind and obey the present provisions, just as any other applicable provisions laid down by law.
The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information on the website, without the need of a prior notice or to let the users know about said needs, since the disclosure on the provider’s website is considered enough.
The provider is exempt from any liability derived from the information posted on the website, as long as this information was manipulated or created by a third party.
The provider’s website can use cookies (small files of information that the server sends to the computer of the person using the page) to carry out certain functions considered essential for the correct running and display of the site. The cookies used on the website are, in any case, temporary in nature with the sole goal of improving its subsequent transmission and they will disappear after finishing the session. Under no circumstances will the cookies be used to gather personal information.
The website may redirect users to content from third-party websites. Given that the provider cannot control at all times the contents shown by third parties on their websites, the provider does not assume any type of liability for the aforementioned contents. In any case, the provider states that any type of website whose content may contravene the national or international legislation, the morale or the public order will immediately be removed and be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The provider does not assume liability for the information and stored contents on (including but not limited to) fora, chats, blog generators, comments, social media, or any other type of platform that allows third parties to post content independently on the provider’s website. However, in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the provider is at the disposal of all users, authorities, security forces, actively collaborating to remove or, if necessary, block all the contents which could affect or contravene the national or international legislation, third parties’ rights or the morale and public order. If the user considers that there is any such type of content on the website, please notify immediately the website manager.
This website was revised and tested to properly function. In theory, the website can guarantee its correct functioning 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, there is still a possibility for certain programming errors to exist, or for force majeure events, natural disasters, strikes or similar circumstances to occur and prevent the access to the web page.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
The website (including but not limited to), its programming, editing, compilation and other necessary elements for its functioning, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the provider’s property or, if applicable, has received from the creators the permit or express permission. All contents on the website are duly protected by the intellectual and industrial property regulations, and they are registered in the corresponding public records.
Independent of their purpose, completely or partially reproducing, using, exploiting, distributing, and commercializing require at any moment the prior written consent by the provider. All uses that were not previously authorized by the provider will be considered as a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the original author.
The designs, logos, text and/or graphics unconnected to the provider which could appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who are liable for any possible controversy that may arise from the aforementioned contents. In any case, the provider has the express prior written consent of the owners.
The provider DOES NOT AUTHORIZE third parties to redirect to specific contents of the website, as they must always redirect to the main website page of the provider.
The provider declares that the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights belong to their owners, and showcasing or mentioning them on the website does not entail the provider has any rights or liability over them, nor backup, sponsorship or recommendation.
In order to send any query regarding potential breaches of intellectual or industrial rights, as well as any type of content on the website, you can send us an email at
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
To resolve all controversies or questions related to the current website or the activities carried out herein, the Spanish legislation will be applicable, and all parties expressly comply with it. The Tribunals and Courts of ELCHE will be the competent authorities to resolve all conflicts derived from or related to the use of the website.