
Original Christmas Shoe Ornaments Ideas

Christmas shoe decorations
29 Dec 2021

December is the month of shopping, lights and Christmas decorations. If you have a shoe shop and you want to take advantage of this beautiful season to make your brand shine more than ever, we encourage you to do it through personalised Christmas Shoe Ornaments:

  • Hanging labels with a Father Christmas, a Christmas tree, a sleigh, a reindeer, a snowflake... and an original engraved message congratulating the holidays.
  • Woven shoe labels with cheerful Christmas designs for children and adults. Indoor plants printed or engraved with a representation of Christmas.
  • Stickers to personalise your customers' gifts.
  • Ornaments engraved by High Frequency waves on toecaps, sides, etc. With this technique it is possible to give shape and relief to the footwear with the graphic that you like the most: a star, a snowflake, a wreath...
  • Etc.

At BRITIGRAF you will get great ideas for the winter and Christmas season. More and more people are encouraged to consume typical Christmas items (pyjamas, jumpers, slippers, etc.), so it is a good opportunity to launch new products with Christmas decorations or if you already do, renew them with new trends to generate more interest.

Advantages of offering Christmas shoe decorations for your business

If you have a fashion shop, you are probably thinking about how to face the new Christmas season: sales, offers, gift cards, work clothes, new products... But have you thought about the advantages of offering personalised Christmas shoe ornaments?

  • You will attract more people to your shop and increase your sales. At this time of the year people spend more and Christmas items are an exclusive good in high demand. Such is the eagerness that many of the products end up being sold out. Take the opportunity to decorate your shoes, clothes and objects with Christmas graphics that will bring joy to everyone.
  • You will show a more caring and familiar version of yourself, improving your company's image and creating bonds of trust. Word of mouth is the best marketing strategy and if your customers like you and speak well of you to their friends and family, you will boost your sales.
  • You will strengthen your relationship with your customers. If you also thank your most loyal customers for the trust they have placed in you during the year with a Christmas card or some other detail, you will keep them for much longer.
  • You will stand out from your competitors who do not offer this type of item in their shops.

Order your Christmas shoe ornaments and personalised Christmas labels here

At BRITIGRAF we can help you prepare your business for Christmas shopping with sale posters to put in your shop window, unique Christmas labels or by creating Christmas shoe ornaments that your customers will love.

If you are interested, you can place your order by calling us on +34 965 683 882 or sending us an email to You can also visit us at our office, where one of our sales representatives will be pleased to help you and inform you about everything. We are located in C/ Alberto Sols, 18 03203 Elche (Alicante) Spain.

Legal warning: The products displayed on our website are not for sale. They belong to their respective owners.